

Amselweg 13, Herdecke 58313
Founded: 2004
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About us
Mini containers, garden maintenance, tree and hedge trimming, clearances, disposals, demolitions, assembly service, repairs, flooring installations, cleaning of garage facilities, paths, and green areas, etc.

4 Product and services

Rental of Mini Container 5 m³
Rental of Mini Container 5 m³
For bulky waste and green waste...
Waste Disposal
Waste Disposal
The materials to be disposed of are expertly integrated into the recycling cycle by us. We dispose of excavation material, construction debris, constr...
Floor Installations
Floor Installations
Whether PVC, laminate, parquet, or carpet: We deliver, install, and set transition strips and baseboards!
Clearances & Demolitions
Clearances & Demolitions
Currently, this is our main area of expertise. Our service from A to Z: We clear out and leave the place clean, so we hand over the apartment ready fo...

Location and contact

AddressAmselweg 13, DE-58313 Herdecke
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