

Schützenstraße 41, Bad Wünnenberg 33181
Employees: 100-199
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About us
Since its founding in 1932, Wöhler has focused on its own product development and manufacturing made in Germany. Our innovative devices for cleaning, measuring, and inspection technology are not only ideal tools for skilled trades. We also make our customers' daily work easier through extensive service offerings and training. That’s why we maintain a constant dialogue with craftsmen from various trades, forming a successful team. Welcome to this strong team!

5 Product and services

Wöhler VIS 350 Inspection Camera for pipes and sewerNext
Wöhler VIS 350 Inspection Camera for pipes and sewer
Video inspection system for pipe inspection, flue gas and ventilation lines - Video inspection in a case: With the new Wöhler VIS 350 camera system, y...
Wöhler Viper L - For sweeping chimneys, ventilation systems or pipes
Wöhler Viper L - For sweeping chimneys, ventilation systems or pipes
APPLICATION * For sweeping chimneys, ventilation systems or pipes ADVANTAGES * Adjustable brake and safety lock * Can be used standing upright o...
Wöhler A 550 Flue Gas / Combustion Analyzer - For flue gas analysis and burner adjustmentNext
Wöhler A 550 Flue Gas / Combustion Analyzer - For flue gas analysis and burner adjustment
As robust as cast iron, but as easy to operate as a smartphone that’s what Wöhler’s new flue gas analyzer feels like in your hand. Appropriately, the...
Wöhler VE 200 Endoscope - For inspection of inaccessible cavities with Ø 8,5 mm or Ø 5,5 mm camera headNext
Wöhler VE 200 Endoscope - For inspection of inaccessible cavities with Ø 8,5 mm or Ø 5,5 mm camera head
For inspection of inaccessible cavities from 20 mm in diameter (for example: roof insulation, exhaust pipes, sinks, fireplaces). Transmission of imag...
Wöhler CDL 210 CO2 Datalogger - Determination of the indoor air quality
Wöhler CDL 210 CO2 Datalogger - Determination of the indoor air quality
* Comfort level indicator with adjustable alarm values * Acoustical and visual alarm function with adjustable limit * Large display to show CO2, hum...

Location and contact

AddressSchützenstraße 41, DE-33181 Bad Wünnenberg

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