

Dieselstrasse 36, Wülfrath 42489
Founded: 1899
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About us
WITTE Niederberg GmbH is the center of competence for stamping and die-casting technology within the WITTE Components business unit, serving the electrical, household, and automotive industries.

9 Product and services

Welding assembly for the magnet technology in the electronics industry...
Components with galvanically applied decorative surfaces
Components with galvanically applied decorative surfaces
Visually sophisticated assemblies and individual components, including galvanically applied decorative surfaces...
Deflection Lever
Deflection Lever
Lever Arm for the Automotive Industry...
Technically and visually demanding plastic components
Technically and visually demanding plastic components
High-quality plastic injection molded parts in visible areas with and without surface coatings, as well as technical functional components.
Product Example Die-Cast Bearing Bracket
Product Example Die-Cast Bearing Bracket
Manufacturing of complex die-cast components, here exemplified by bearing brackets.
Locking bracket
Locking bracket
The WITTE Group develops and manufactures locking bolts for front and rear hatches, as well as side doors.
Stamped Locking Bracket
Stamped Locking Bracket
Stamped body brace for the automotive industry including a KTL coating...
Pressure Relief Slats
Pressure Relief Slats
Static pressure blades for fan construction...
Frequency Strut
Frequency Strut
WITTE Components manufactures frequency struts, including the patented tolerance compensation element WITOL®, in various versions.

Location and contact

AddressDieselstrasse 36, DE-42489 Wülfrath
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