Siblinerstr 4, Ahrensbök Ot Giesselrade 23623
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9 Product and services

Hardboard A1
Hardboard A1
The hardboard is widely used and is employed for outdoor advertising. Rent 25 pieces of A1 hardboards for 14 days. An extension of 7 days costs €12.
Poster Stand 18/1 Wall
Poster Stand 18/1 Wall
The poster stand wall 18/1 is produced from galvanized C-profiles 40/40, which are cut at an angle and then firmly welded. The profiles encase a singl...
Poster Stand 18/1
Poster Stand 18/1
The poster stand 18/1 is produced from galvanized C-profiles 40/40, which are cut at an angle and then firmly welded. The profiles encase a single-pie...
Poster Stand A1 - Advertising Poster North
Poster Stand A1 - Advertising Poster North
The poster stands are made of a hard fiberboard (approximately 61 x 85 cm), two footboards (foot length 1.20 m) nailed and reinforced with hard fiber ...
Advertising Triangle Wood A1
Advertising Triangle Wood A1
A1 Triangle Poster Stand Rental...
MastwerbeFix Advertising Poster North
MastwerbeFix Advertising Poster North
Mast Holder A1 for Optimal Mast Advertising – Order Online at Werbeposter Nord.de Order your high-quality Mast Holder A1 for customized and visually a...
Picasso Marker with Carabiner
Picasso Marker with Carabiner
Solid color marker with a carabiner clip on top and matching decorative color made of ABS plastic. The marker is available in 4 different colors. The...
Hollow Chamber Posters A1
Hollow Chamber Posters A1
Dimensions A1 - 60 cm x 85.0 Hollow Chamber Plate A1 450g/m² Polypropylene Hollow Chamber Plate (3.0 mm) 4/0 color (one-sided print), no print templat...
Poster Stand (Aluminum)
Poster Stand (Aluminum)
Our aluminum poster stand is made from a 32mm profile. Advertising is possible on one side. No shelf included.

Location and contact

AddressSiblinerstr 4, DE-23623 Ahrensbök Ot Giesselrade
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