

Strohdeich 32, Kollmar 25377
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1955
Employees: 20-49
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10 Product and services

flow-captor 4205 + 4053.31 - Flow and temperature meter for oil-based media
flow-captor 4205 + 4053.31 - Flow and temperature meter for oil-based media
Messprinzip: kalorimetrisch Messbereich: 0 - 400 cm/s Temperaturbereich: -20 °C bis +100 °C Ausgang: analog, 0 - 10 V Betriebsspannung: 18 - 30 VDC W...
flow-captor 4320.1xM - Inline flow monitor for water-based media in stainless steel design
flow-captor 4320.1xM - Inline flow monitor for water-based media in stainless steel design
Measurement principle: calorimetric Measuring range: 0-20 cm/s to 0-300 cm/s, continuously adjustable Protection class: IP67 Sensor tube sizes: from ...
vent-captor 3205.30/3x - Flow meter for air and other gases in stainless steel for compressed air up to 10 bar
vent-captor 3205.30/3x - Flow meter for air and other gases in stainless steel for compressed air up to 10 bar
Current output: 4 - 20 mA Measuring principle: calorimetric Measuring range: 0 - 5 m/s to 0 - 50 m/s Operating voltage: 18 - 30 VDC Various versions ...
vent-captor 3202.3x - Flow meter for air and other gases
vent-captor 3202.3x - Flow meter for air and other gases
Measurement principle: calorimetric Measurement range: 0 - 5 m/s to 0 - 50 m/s Pressure: atmospheric (with flange) or max. 1 bar (with PG 21) Current ...
flow-captor 4115.30 - Flow meter for water-based media in robust stainless steel design
flow-captor 4115.30 - Flow meter for water-based media in robust stainless steel design
Diameter 1" / 25 mm Measuring principle: calorimetric Measuring range: 0 - 20 cm/s to 0-200 cm/s, continuously adjustable, other measuring ranges ava...
vent-captor 3202.0x - Flow monitor for air and other gases
vent-captor 3202.0x - Flow monitor for air and other gases
Measurement principle: calorimetric Switching range: 0.3 m/s to 30 m/s or 2 m/s to 50 m/s, continuously adjustable Pressure: atmospheric (with flange)...
proxi-captor 2610.3x - Inductive Distance Sensor
proxi-captor 2610.3x - Inductive Distance Sensor
Inductive distance sensor for automated metal inspection processes, requiring an analog signal - Compact device (stainless steel housing with moun...
flow-captor 4120.1xA TRI-CLAMP® System - Flow switch for water-based media in the food sector
flow-captor 4120.1xA TRI-CLAMP® System - Flow switch for water-based media in the food sector
Measurement principle: calorimetric Measuring range: from 0-20 cm/s to 0-300 cm/s, continuously adjustable Pressure: up to max. 100 bar Medium tempera...
foto-captor - Hot Metal Detector as a Compact or Separate Device
foto-captor - Hot Metal Detector as a Compact or Separate Device
- suitable for a wide range of operating conditions - for a broad spectrum of different response temperatures and viewing angles, including appl...
flow-captor 4120.13 - Flow monitor for water-based media
flow-captor 4120.13 - Flow monitor for water-based media
Measuring principle: calorimetric Measuring range: 0 - 20 cm/s to 0 - 300 cm/s, continuously adjustable Protection class: IP65 Operating voltage: 18 -...

Location and contact

AddressStrohdeich 32, DE-25377 Kollmar

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