

Tige de Buresse 95, Hamois 5360
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11 Product and services

Dérouleuse-pailleuse DE500 - La dérouleuse-pailleuse Warzée DE500 permet de distribuer et pailler des balles
Dérouleuse-pailleuse DE500 - La dérouleuse-pailleuse Warzée DE500 permet de distribuer et pailler des balles
Polyvalente, la dérouleuse-pailleuse Warzée DE500 distribue des balles rondes de fourrage, de foin et d'enrubanné. Cet pailleuse munie d'un rotor hydr...
Démêleuse-pailleuse DE651 - Distributrice et pailleuse de balles cubiques / carrées
Démêleuse-pailleuse DE651 - Distributrice et pailleuse de balles cubiques / carrées
La démêleuse-pailleuse Warzée DE651 est la référence en matière de distribution et de paillage de balles carrées. Il suffit à l'opérateur de changer l...
Sweeper - Equipped with a hydraulic brush and a collection bin
Sweeper - Equipped with a hydraulic brush and a collection bin
Equipped with a hydraulic brush and a collection bin, the Warzée BR200 sweeper cleans and collects waste of all types, whether dry or wet. The emptyin...
DE225 Bale Unroller - Round Bale Dispenser Designed for Farm Workers
DE225 Bale Unroller - Round Bale Dispenser Designed for Farm Workers
Specifically designed for compact loaders and farm trolleys, the Warzée DE225 unroller distributes round bales of forage, hay, and silage up to 150 cm...
Concrete mixing bucket - Ideal for mixing concrete, stabilized materials, soil, lime, etc.
Concrete mixing bucket - Ideal for mixing concrete, stabilized materials, soil, lime, etc.
Designed for telehandlers, wheeled loaders, and excavators, the Warzée Maxi mixing bucket allows for loading and mixing all types of aggregates (cemen...
Concrete Plant - Fixed Position Mixer Bucket with Modular Elements
Concrete Plant - Fixed Position Mixer Bucket with Modular Elements
The concrete and stabilized plant utilizes the unique mixing system of Warzée mixer buckets. Fully automated, it allows for the rapid production of co...
DE250 Bale Unroller - Round Bale Distributor and Straw Blower
DE250 Bale Unroller - Round Bale Distributor and Straw Blower
Simple and robust, the Warzée DE250 unroller quickly distributes round bales of hay and silage up to 160 cm and 800 kg. Composed of a boot-guard apro...
Hopper - Ideal for the recovery of bulk materials and filling big bags
Hopper - Ideal for the recovery of bulk materials and filling big bags
Ideal for the handling of bulk materials, the Warzée bucket with trap is equipped with a bottom opening that allows for the packaging of aggregates in...
Mobile dosing silo - Designed for the packaging and supply of bulk materials
Mobile dosing silo - Designed for the packaging and supply of bulk materials
Designed for the packaging and supply of powders, the Warzée SD2300 dosing silo is specifically made to accommodate big bags. It can hold up to 2.3 m³...
DE450 Bale Unroller - Round Bale Dispenser
DE450 Bale Unroller - Round Bale Dispenser
A reference for nearly 25 years, the Warzée DE450 unroller features a boot-picking apron and a high distribution box. It distributes round bales of h...
DE500 unroller - straw spreader - One machine for feeding and bedding
DE500 unroller - straw spreader - One machine for feeding and bedding
The Warzée DE551 unroller-spreader enables any round bale of hay or silage to be distributed. Versatile, this machine can also be used for bedding bot...

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Location and contact

AddressTige de Buresse 95, BE-5360 Hamois

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