

Poppenbütteler Bogen 18, Hamburg 22399
Founded: 1961
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10 Product and services

Joint bearings and joint rod ends according to DIN ISO 12240 (formerly DIN 648)
Joint bearings and joint rod ends according to DIN ISO 12240 (formerly DIN 648)
In the field of joint bearing technology, we offer a comprehensive range of joint bearings and joint rod ends in various sizes and designs for differe...
Steering Rod Joints
Steering Rod Joints
Tie rod ends are primarily used in automotive engineering and are an essential component of a tie rod. The rod serves to adjust the alignment of both...
Angle Joints and Angle Joint Rods
Angle Joints and Angle Joint Rods
To reliably perform and ensure linear motion with axis offset over time, angular joints are suitable. These classic connection and guiding elements a...
Hydraulic Joint Heads
Hydraulic Joint Heads
We offer various joint heads for hydraulics: the series FPR..S, FPR..CE, FPR..N, FPR..U, FMA…D, FS..C, and FS..N. All heads are available in differen...
Fork heads, fork joints, ES bolts, and cotter pins
Fork heads, fork joints, ES bolts, and cotter pins
Our product range includes a variety of different fork joints, fork heads, as well as ES bolts and cotter pins in various sizes and designs. We offer...
High-Quality Axial Joints
High-Quality Axial Joints
An axial joint consists of a pressure rod, on which an upper and a lower shell are attached. A housing is placed over both shells, which has a grease...
Universal joints and drive shafts
Universal joints and drive shafts
We offer a wide variety of types in the area of universal joints and drive shafts. Our extensive product range includes drive shafts with flange or h...
Ball Discs and Cone Pans
Ball Discs and Cone Pans
Ball washers and cone cups are used to securely clamp uneven components with non-parallel surfaces. The two components form a unit and therefore cann...
Rubber Bellows: Single and Double
Rubber Bellows: Single and Double
Ball joints are used in a variety of fields. In certain areas, a particularly compact and adaptable protection against external influences such as co...
Ball Joints and Ball Joint Shafts
Ball Joints and Ball Joint Shafts
Discover our range of versatile spherical joints and spherical joint shafts in various sizes and weights.

Company images

Company buildingAxial jointsRubber bellowsJoint heads hydraulicsJoint rod endsSteering rod jointsUniversal joints and cross joints shaftsAngle joints and angle joint rods

Location and contact

AddressPoppenbütteler Bogen 18, DE-22399 Hamburg

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