

Muru,1, Ivano-Frankivsk 77457
Founded: 2018
Employees: 50-99
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4 Product and services

Mix of sunflower seeds and peanuts - Mix of sunflower seeds and peanuts
Mix of sunflower seeds and peanuts - Mix of sunflower seeds and peanuts
The combination of perfectly roasted sunflower seeds and peanuts is perfect for a quick snack. Selected seeds and peanuts are perfect to stay off hung...
Pumpkin seeds - Pumpkin seeds  with shell
Pumpkin seeds - Pumpkin seeds with shell
Roasted selected pumpkin seeds are perfect to stay off hunger and are of a great nutritional value. The habitat of pumpkin seeds is Latin America. A c...
Sunflower Kernel - Sunflower Kernel 175 gr/Package
Sunflower Kernel - Sunflower Kernel 175 gr/Package
Delicious and nutritious snack. Roasted selected seeds are perfect to stay off hunger and are of a great nutritional value. The low moisture content t...
Sunflower Seeds Roasted - Sunflower Seeds Roasted 150 gr/Package
Sunflower Seeds Roasted - Sunflower Seeds Roasted 150 gr/Package
Sunflower seeds are valued for the high content of vitamin E, which has anti-irritant properties and is a great antioxidant. These seeds also contain ...

Location and contact

AddressMuru,1, UA-77457 Ivano-Frankivsk

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