

The Freeman Building, Galileo drive, Woking GU23 7ER
United Kingdom
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1956
Employees: 100-199
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About us
World Leaders in ergonomic microscopy, digital microscopes, digital 3D visualisation and metrology solutions. Our pioneering eyepiece-less stereo microscopes, digital 3D inspection systems and metrology systems enable our customers globally to improve quality, efficiency and productivity.

9 Product and services

Mantis - Eyepiece-less 3D stereo microscope
Mantis - Eyepiece-less 3D stereo microscope
Mantis is an award-winning ergonomic 3D stereo microscopes which offer exceptional operator comfort and superb 3D imaging. No awkward eyepieces an...
Makrolite 4K - 4K UHD digital microscope
Makrolite 4K - 4K UHD digital microscope
Makrolite 4K digital microscope simplifies your visual inspection, Makrolite 4K offers inspection, magnification, measurement and capture with 4K ...
TVM - Digital measuring microscope
TVM - Digital measuring microscope
If you need to measure parts and components quickly and in large numbers – regardless of their shape – you need a TVM20 or TVM35 digital measuring mic...
TVM - Digital measuring microscope
TVM - Digital measuring microscope
If you need to measure parts and components quickly and in large numbers – regardless of their shape – you need a TVM20 or TVM35 digital measuring mic...
Lynx EVO - Ergonomic Stereo Microscope
Lynx EVO - Ergonomic Stereo Microscope
Work better, for longer. Lynx EVO was designed to increase productivity through superior ergonomics. Whatever your challenge – inspection, product...
Deltron - Compact, robust, accurate and repeatable shop floor CMM
Deltron - Compact, robust, accurate and repeatable shop floor CMM
Deltron is a robust CNC CMM with compact footprint for high levels of measurement accuracy. Deltron CNC coordinate measuring machine, combines a co...
SX Series - Robust, high quality stereo microscopes
SX Series - Robust, high quality stereo microscopes
Exquisite detail From the entry level Greenough SX25 Elite right through to the CMO (common main objective) SX100 model, a Vision Engineering SX ster...
EVO Cam II - Digital Microscope
EVO Cam II - Digital Microscope
EVO Cam II is a powerful, versatile, yet easy-to-use, high definition digital microscope. Flexible configuration options deliver excellent image qu...
Swift PRO - optical and video measuring system
Swift PRO - optical and video measuring system
Easy to use, dual optical and video measuring system for precision engineering Swift PRO takes the work out of measuring precision-engineered compone...

Location and contact

AddressThe Freeman Building, Galileo drive, GB-GU23 7ER Woking

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