Iburger Strasse 225, Osnabrück 49082
Founded: 2006
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Engineering office, Engineering, Project management, Project engineering, Product engineering, Mechanical engineering, Concept development, Industrial projects, Mechanical engineering, Special machine construction, Automotive

10 Product and services

Car Seat Development
Car Seat Development
For a global manufacturer of complete car seats, VIRO is responsible for the development of the metal structural components, the foam molded parts, an...
Robot Tool for Welding Fender Parts
Robot Tool for Welding Fender Parts
We have received the order for the engineering and turnkey delivery of a robotic tool from KUKA Automation and Robots NV in Houthalen.
Truck Development: Horizontal Engine
Truck Development: Horizontal Engine
We received an order from a globally leading truck manufacturer to convert an existing vertical series engine into a horizontal version, making it sui...
Mechanical Adjustments DAF Trucks
Mechanical Adjustments DAF Trucks
For Paccar Inc, the world's leading manufacturer of, among others, DAF trucks, we have supported adjustments from the concept phase to the engineering...
Carton Folding Machine Packaging Industry
Carton Folding Machine Packaging Industry
For a packaging machine manufacturer, VIRO designed and implemented the control system for an automatic carton folding machine. This machine takes an ...
Innovative Cooling System for Cirex Foundry
Innovative Cooling System for Cirex Foundry
For the foundry Cirex, VIRO was intensively involved in the development of the concepts and designed the entire new cooling system, where both casting...
Winding machine for very large FRP flue gas ducts
Winding machine for very large FRP flue gas ducts
To equip the chimneys of two power plants with flue gas ducts, Plasticon Europe has commissioned us to engineer a mobile wrapping machine.
Boiler Feed Water Treatment Plant
Boiler Feed Water Treatment Plant
Overall design and procurement support for a boiler feed water treatment plant. On behalf of the DHV Group, an international consulting and engineeri...
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering encompasses a wide range of tasks across numerous market segments. From assembly and testing systems to complete production an...
Revolutionary GCI Chain for Automatic Transmissions
Revolutionary GCI Chain for Automatic Transmissions
Automotive Industry, Engineering Analysis, Mechanical Engineering, Product Engineering.

Location and contact

AddressIburger Strasse 225, DE-49082 Osnabrück
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