

Bahnhofstr. 38, Stammbach 95236
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1990
Employees: 20-49
Supplier type
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About us

5 Product and services

VEROFLEX® - innovative technologyNext
VEROFLEX® - innovative technology
The focus of the VEROFLEX® product group is on achieving a high degree of shading. With high-quality coated polyester fabrics, a high-tech product is ...
VEROSAFE® - the premium class with permanent flame protectionNext
VEROSAFE® - the premium class with permanent flame protection
With the VEROSAFE® product line, we have been setting benchmarks in the field of internal sun protection for years. The globally recognized trademark ...
VEROMED® - antibacterial effective textilesNext
VEROMED® - antibacterial effective textiles
In medical practices, hospitals, or care facilities, textiles are needed that must do more than just look good. VEROMED® stands for tested and certifi...
VEROFASHION® - decorative sun protectionNext
VEROFASHION® - decorative sun protection
New living environments demand contemporary design. With trendy colors and fashionable patterns, VEROFASHION® combines decoration and sun protection.
VEROGLIM® - functional lighting designNext
VEROGLIM® - functional lighting design
Our aluminum-coated product line VEROGLIM® has been specifically developed for the requirements of commercial spaces. The metal coating optimizes the ...

Location and contact

AddressBahnhofstr. 38, DE-95236 Stammbach
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