Heinrich-Eckstein-Strasse 1, Kleinostheim 63801
Founded: 1962
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10 Product and services

UTA Full Service Card - The UTA Fuel Card for Trucks > 3.5 Tons
UTA Full Service Card - The UTA Fuel Card for Trucks > 3.5 Tons
With the UTA fuel card, you stay mobile and flexible in every situation. Refuel across Europe at competitive prices and independent of brands, toll se...
UTA Fuel Card for Cars and Vans ≤ 3.5t
UTA Fuel Card for Cars and Vans ≤ 3.5t
Save time and money with the UTA fuel card at over 12,000 gas stations in Germany! Whether refueling, washing, tire changes, or repairs – we offer ev...
Electronic Driver's License Check with fleet iD – simple and affordable
Electronic Driver's License Check with fleet iD – simple and affordable
The electronic driver's license verification is the simple and cost-effective alternative to the personal examination of the driver's license by the f...
UTA Fleet Card / Fuel Card
UTA Fleet Card / Fuel Card
Save time and money with the UTA fuel card at over 12,000 gas stations in Germany! Whether refueling, washing, tire changes, or repairs – we offer ev...
Parking Service
Parking Service
With UTA, you enjoy a wide network of truck parking spaces across Europe.
Truck Toll Box - UTA ONE - EETS - On-Board Unit
Truck Toll Box - UTA ONE - EETS - On-Board Unit
With UTA One®, you now benefit from the most comprehensive EETS service available on the market. Toll contexts can be activated flexibly "Over-the-Air...
UTA One® - The EETS Toll Box for Europe
UTA One® - The EETS Toll Box for Europe
With UTA One®, you now benefit from the most comprehensive EETS service available on the market. Toll contexts can be activated flexibly "Over-the-Air...
Ferry Service Europe
Ferry Service Europe
With the UTA Ferry Service, you can conveniently and efficiently utilize water routes. Planning an optimal travel or transport route is essential for...
Combined Transport Service
Combined Transport Service
With the UTA card, your truck can be efficiently transported via the tracks of the Rolling Road.
Truck Rental
Truck Rental
It's never been easier to rent a truck! Rent, tolls, and fuel at special rates for UTA customers. Includes full service, insurance, and vehicle tax.

Location and contact

AddressHeinrich-Eckstein-Strasse 1, DE-63801 Kleinostheim
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