Gartenstrasse 3, Meerane 08393
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Installation service for sun protection systems, Warema dealer, Somfy products.

9 Product and services

Solar Control Films for Buildings
Solar Control Films for Buildings
OPALFILM® sun protection films as a permanent heat shield, glare protection, and sun protection for your windows - quick and affordable to retrofit, f...
Vertical Blinds / Slat Curtains
Vertical Blinds / Slat Curtains
WAREMA vertical blinds are the elegant sun protection for living spaces with large areas.
Pergola - Awnings
Pergola - Awnings
Pergola awnings provide optimal protection against light evening breezes, low-hanging sun, and curious onlookers with a motor-operated, weather-resist...
Insect Protection Systems / Fine Dust Mesh Warema / VisionAir
Insect Protection Systems / Fine Dust Mesh Warema / VisionAir
The new WAREMA VisionAir fine dust mesh ensures clean air. Air particles...
Sun Protection Film / Sun Protection Film for Buildings
Sun Protection Film / Sun Protection Film for Buildings
For the architectural sector, window films are available for various applications such as sun protection, heat protection, glare protection, shatter p...
Tilted Roller Shutter
Tilted Roller Shutter
WAREMA slanted roller shutters offer customized solutions for modern, slanted-glazed windows. The box fits flush on both sides with the guide rails.
Warema Pleated Blinds with Honeycomb Fabric / Sun Protection for Windows
Warema Pleated Blinds with Honeycomb Fabric / Sun Protection for Windows
The honeycomb designs of the WAREMA Inside Collection impress with solid craftsmanship and attractive aesthetics. The air pockets in the honeycombs al...
The Markisolette is the awning with the drop effect - a height-adjustable part of the covering always remains vertical.
EWFS Receiver / Accessories for Window Privacy and Sun Protection
EWFS Receiver / Accessories for Window Privacy and Sun Protection
EWFS and WMS, the radio systems from WAREMA, control your sun protection or lighting conveniently via radio. The installation of individual components...

Location and contact

AddressGartenstrasse 3, DE-08393 Meerane
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