

13 clos du petit vallon, Englos 59320
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2013
Employees: 1-4
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Gold Chocolates with Marcona Almonds, Piedmont Hazelnuts "Tonda Gentile", & Bronte DOP Pistachios.

15 Product and services

Caramelized Marcona Almonds
Caramelized Marcona Almonds
29,95 €
Caramelized toasted Marcona almonds with cane sugar, sea salt & piment d'Espelette 5Kg carton DLC: 8 months...
Caramelized toasted Marcona almonds with milk chocolate & gold
Caramelized toasted Marcona almonds with milk chocolate & gold
Irresistible gold chocolates made with the queen of the almonds: the Marcona, produced in Spain. In the 1900s, Antonio Machado spoke of the flowering ...
Caramelized toasted Piedmont hazelnuts 'Tonda Gentile' with white chocolate
Caramelized toasted Piedmont hazelnuts 'Tonda Gentile' with white chocolate
34.95€/Kg (0.14€/unit) | 5Kg carton | 8 months shelf life...
Freeze dried raspberries with white chocolate & yogurt covered with raspberry
Freeze dried raspberries with white chocolate & yogurt covered with raspberry
39.95€/Kg | 5Kg carton | 8 months DLC...
Caramelized toasted peanuts with white chocolate & cacao
Caramelized toasted peanuts with white chocolate & cacao
22.95€/Kg (0.09€/u) | 5Kg carton | 8 months DLC...
Pistachio Paste
Pistachio Paste
99,95 €
80% toasted pistachios & 20% sugar 1.5Kg plastic bottle DLC: 12 months...
Turrón Cream
Turrón Cream
74,95 €
70% toasted Marcona almonds & 18% of orange blossom honey 1.5Kg plastic bot DLC: 12 months...
Fried Marcona Almonds
Fried Marcona Almonds
27,95 €
Fried Marcona almonds with sea salt DLC: 8 months...
Tahiti Vanilla
Tahiti Vanilla
209,95 €
Tahiti Vanilla 'Grand Cru Bora Bora' Size: 18-21 cm Quantity: 19/24 pods DLC: 24 months...
Orangettes - Candied orange peel coated with dark chocolate (70% cacao)
Orangettes - Candied orange peel coated with dark chocolate (70% cacao)
€36.95/Kg | 5Kg carton | 8 months DLC...
Dried Apricots
Dried Apricots
19,95 €
Semi dried Apricots from Turkey 5Kg carton box DLC:9 months...
Caramelized toasted Marcona almonds with white chocolate & cacao
Caramelized toasted Marcona almonds with white chocolate & cacao
27.95€/Kg (0.12€/u) | 5Kg carton | 8 months DLC...
Caramelized toasted green pistachios of Bronte DOP with white chocolate & cacao
Caramelized toasted green pistachios of Bronte DOP with white chocolate & cacao
39.95€/Kg (0.075€/u) | 5Kg carton | 8 months DLC...
Caramelized toasted Piedmont hazelnuts 'Tonda Gentile' with milk chocolate
Caramelized toasted Piedmont hazelnuts 'Tonda Gentile' with milk chocolate
Delicious gold chocolates made with the legendary 'Tonda Gentille' Piedmont hazelnut. In 1806, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte blocked exportations from En...
Dried Figs
Dried Figs
15,95 €
Semi dried figs from Almoharin 5Kg carton box DLC: 9 months...

Location and contact

Address13 clos du petit vallon, FR-59320 Englos

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