

Turmschanzenstraße 1, Magdeburg 39114
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4 Product and services

Electric Towel Dispenser with Sensor – Paper Towel Dispenser for Hygiene
Electric Towel Dispenser with Sensor – Paper Towel Dispenser for Hygiene
Huge Variability – Perfect cutting lengths of 24-30cm – Sensor or automatic operation – Battery operated or with 230V – Power supply not included Max...
High-quality foam soap dispenser with battery operation – Includes 6 x 1 liter
High-quality foam soap dispenser with battery operation – Includes 6 x 1 liter
High-quality foam soap dispenser Foam soap and disinfectant dispenser with sensor – Adjustable pump for 1, 2, or 3 ml – Sensor – Removable wall mount...
Disinfection Spray Hand Hygiene Dispenser
Disinfection Spray Hand Hygiene Dispenser
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 80 percent of all infections are transmitted through hands. Effective hand hygiene is important to p...
Toilet paper for toilet paper dispensers 2-ply 32 rolls for TSK toilet paper dispenser | TSK system
Toilet paper for toilet paper dispensers 2-ply 32 rolls for TSK toilet paper dispenser | TSK system
Toilet Paper 2-Ply 32 Rolls for TSK Toilet Paper Dispenser | TSK System suitable toilet paper for our toilet paper dispensers 2-ply 100 meters 1 pack...

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Location and contact

AddressTurmschanzenstraße 1, DE-39114 Magdeburg

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