Bockhorner Heide 45, Telgte 48291
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5 Product and services

Cross-Industry Complete Service Renovation Expertise is required, which we implement as a full-service provider together with other specialized compan...
Water Damage Restoration
Water Damage Restoration
We carry out the drying of walls, ceilings, and screeds using the latest and most powerful exhaust dryers, condensation dryers, or turbines, accompani...
Builder Heating/Construction Drying
Builder Heating/Construction Drying
Architects and construction managers, as well as craftsmen and construction workers, are familiar with the increasing time pressure in the constructio...
Thermography/Leak Detection
Thermography/Leak Detection
modern measurement methods are the prerequisite for a reliable root cause analysis...
Mold Removal
Mold Removal
The cause of mold infestation is moisture, which, in combination with organic materials, provides the breeding ground for mold cultures and promotes t...

Location and contact

AddressBockhorner Heide 45, DE-48291 Telgte
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