Responds reliably


Nezalezhnosti avenue 95, Bila Tserkva 09108
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1979
Employees: 200-499
Supplier type
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5 Product and services

Disk brake pad - Disc brake pads for commercial vehicles
Disk brake pad - Disc brake pads for commercial vehicles
Disk brake pads for commercial vehicles. ECE R90 approved. Applicability: Mercedes, DAF, MAN, Scania, Iveco etc. Braking system: Knorr SB 7 WVA: 2...
Brake Blocks for Rolling Stock - UIC and AAR standards
Brake Blocks for Rolling Stock - UIC and AAR standards
We are currently able to offer brake blocks that correspond to UIC and AAR standards for various applications: freight coaches and wagons; EMU, DMU lo...
Drum brake pads - Drum brake pads for trucks and trailers
Drum brake pads - Drum brake pads for trucks and trailers
Tribo drum brake pads suitable for trucks and trailers with ROR, SAF, BPW, FRUEHAUF and TRAILOR axles.
Brake Lining for Commercial Vehicles - Trucks, buses and semi-trailes (EU)
Brake Lining for Commercial Vehicles - Trucks, buses and semi-trailes (EU)
Tribo brake linings are typically suitable for all European models of trucks (e.g. MAN, Daf, Scania etc.), buses and semi-trailers. Made with eco-frie...
Brake Pads for Passenger Rolling Stock - UIC 175, UIC 200, UIC 250 standards
Brake Pads for Passenger Rolling Stock - UIC 175, UIC 200, UIC 250 standards
We are currently able to offer brake pads in all of the standard UIC shapes for Siemens Desiro, Tren Ligero, Southern 455, 422 TR and other passenger ...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer
Bill of exchange
Bill of exchange

Payment terms

C/D (or CAD) - Cash against Documents also D/P - Documents against Payment
D/C - Documentary Collection
SLOC - Standby Letter of Credit

Location and contact

AddressNezalezhnosti avenue 95, UA-09108 Bila Tserkva

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