

3 RUE SAINTE CROIX, Etampes 91150
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1994
Employees: 5-9
Supplier type
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About us

4 Product and services

Tensioning Service
Tensioning Service
TRAXX offers standard training on the ultrasonic tightening measurement method. This training is conducted by a qualified engineer. TRAXX provides th...
Tightening Advice
Tightening Advice
Designer and distributor of torque measurement devices, TRAXX supports its clients by offering advice on the tightening of bolted assemblies. This he...
Tension Measurement Tool - The TRAXX-M2
Tension Measurement Tool - The TRAXX-M2
Le TRAXX M2 est un appareil de mesure de tension de serrage par ultrasons. - Il permet la mesure de la tension de vos assemblages vissés. - Fournit ...
Expertise in Torque Measurement
Expertise in Torque Measurement
Traxx offers on-site services: After detecting a tightening issue on a bolted assembly, TRAXX performs tightening tension measurements and prepares a...

Location and contact

Address3 RUE SAINTE CROIX, FR-91150 Etampes
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