

49 Rue de la Source, Enghien (marcq) 7850
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2005
Employees: 5-9
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16 Product and services

Interpreting equipment - Meeting room hire
Interpreting equipment - Meeting room hire
Tradivarius has a wide range of venues to offer for your meeting. Are you organising a meeting but unsure of where best to host your participants? D...
Commercial translation - Professional translation
Commercial translation - Professional translation
Commercial translation into and out of all the languages of Western Europe Are you looking to have a brochure, product information sheet or circular ...
Media translation - Professional translation
Media translation - Professional translation
Make a greater impact with your press releases by producing them in several languages! Would your company like to tell the world that you have a new ...
Legal translation - Professional translation
Legal translation - Professional translation
Qualified legal translators Among our network of professional translators, some choose to specialise exclusively in the translation of legal texts.
Website translation - Professional translation
Website translation - Professional translation
Make your website multilingual! For the majority of businesses, websites have become the new window displays. This means that particular care must b...
Sworn translation - Professional translation
Sworn translation - Professional translation
Our sworn translators are on hand to assist with all of your administrative needs A legally certified translation, also known as a sworn translation ...
Simultaneous interpreting - Conference interpretingNext
Simultaneous interpreting - Conference interpreting
Simultaneous interpreting: the art of word play Interpreting or simultaneous interpreting consists of instantaneously reproducing a speech given in a...
Technical translation - Professional translation
Technical translation - Professional translation
Technical translators specialising in a wide range of fields Does your company or organisation work in a specific, cutting-edge sector? Our professi...
Portable interpreting sets - Interpreting equipment
Portable interpreting sets - Interpreting equipment
Hire of portable interpreting sets or "bidules" Portable interpreting sets: The ideal solution for meetings on a smaller scale For meetings on a sma...
Interpreting equipment - Technical support
Interpreting equipment - Technical support
Technical assistance at your meetings and congresses Alongside our meeting room hire and interpreter recruitment services, we are pleased to provide ...
Medical translation - Professional translation
Medical translation - Professional translation
Meticulous medical translations The translation of medical texts requires complete mastery of the subject. This is why our translators are trained i...
Economic and financial translation - Professional translation
Economic and financial translation - Professional translation
Leading economic and financial translators For all of your documents of a financial and/or economic nature, Tradivarius is pleased to offer you the s...
Liaison interpreting - Conference interpreting
Liaison interpreting - Conference interpreting
Your interpreter: the link between you and your speaking partners In liaison interpreting, the interpreter translates after each statement. This mean...
Mobile booth hire - Interpreting equipment
Mobile booth hire - Interpreting equipment
In need of an interpreting booth? Tradivarius can have one up and running in an hour! There are no interpreting booths in your meeting room and you a...
Whispered interpreting - Conference interpreting
Whispered interpreting - Conference interpreting
Sometimes in a group there is just one person requiring interpretation. In this case, an interpreter can be seated behind the person and whisper the i...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Location and contact

Address49 Rue de la Source, BE-7850 Enghien (marcq)

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