

Im Gehrn 10, Kirchberg 71737
Founded: 1992
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8 Product and services

Standard Ink System
Standard Ink System
The Standard ink system has been designed for the use of dye-based inks. The ink bottle is placed into the aluminum housing of the ink system and is ...
Commissioning, Training, Service and Maintenance
Commissioning, Training, Service and Maintenance
A product is only as good as the service...
Large Print System EBS 1500
Large Print System EBS 1500
The flagship among large character printers The large character system EBS 1500 has been designed as a modular building block system. Depending on th...
Hand Printing System EBS 250
Hand Printing System EBS 250
The Handy Alternative The large character printing system EBS 250 Handjet is the mobile version of the EBS 230. It was developed as a clean alternati...
Large Print System EBS 230
Large Print System EBS 230
The Affordable Entry-Level Device The large character system EBS 230 has been designed for simple labeling tasks. It is quick and easy to set up and ...
Small Letter System EBS 6200
Small Letter System EBS 6200
The Flexible All-Rounder The EBS 6200 small character system has been developed for the diverse labeling tasks in industrial production. With its ext...
Control Unit SG-2
Control Unit SG-2
The control unit SG-2 can independently control up to two marking heads. Its user-friendly menu allows for quick adjustment of the desired parameters...
Marking Head ST
Marking Head ST
The marking head ST is the all-round talent for color markings of all kinds. It is suitable for both dye-based and pigmented inks. Its compact design...

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AddressIm Gehrn 10, DE-71737 Kirchberg
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