

Ottmaringer Strasse 4, Dietfurt 92345
Founded: 1970
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About us
Our customer base ranges from automotive suppliers to medical technology and the packaging industry. Since our founding in 1971, we have enjoyed mutually satisfying and long-term business relationships with our regular customers. From consulting to planning and implementation – "everything from a single source", that is what we understand by comprehensive customer service. We look forward to interesting projects and a successful collaboration with you.

8 Product and services

Installation of a machine for ID card production For over 40 years, the production of tools and special machines for the welding of plastics has been...
HF Tools
HF Tools
We manufacture everything from simple frame electrodes to three-dimensional HF tools for you.
HF Tools - Automotive Industry
HF Tools - Automotive Industry
We manufacture for you everything from simple frame electrodes to three-dimensional HF tools.
Rotary Table Systems
Rotary Table Systems
Mirror welding machine for connecting pipe and flange, e.g., for sealing flat roofs - heat impulse welding machine for cream piping bags made of PUR-c...
HF Tools - Medical
HF Tools - Medical
We manufacture for you everything from simple frame electrodes to three-dimensional HF tools.
Special machines for the welding of plastics
Special machines for the welding of plastics
In the field of special machine construction, we manufacture rotary table systems and laminators tailored to your specifications across various indust...
HF Tools - General
HF Tools - General
Welding tool – Punching tool for the production of head cushions...
HF Tools - General
HF Tools - General
Electrode for luggage tags...

Company images

ManagementTool for trunk coverMedicine pouchElectrode with needle stitch decorRotary table systemsTechnology and Machinery Park

Location and contact

AddressOttmaringer Strasse 4, DE-92345 Dietfurt

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