Albert-Brickwedde-Strasse 5, Osnabrück 49084
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9 Product and services

Pipe Accessories
Pipe Accessories
We provide everything necessary for the construction of complex piping systems: pipe bends, fittings, flanges, valves, steel & ductile iron fittings f...
Steel Construction Profiles & Profile Tubes
Steel Construction Profiles & Profile Tubes
With us, you will find a comprehensive range of steel construction hollow profiles & profile pipes. We carry out precise cutting, bending, laser proce...
Quality & Premium Construction Steel
Quality & Premium Construction Steel
In the field of quality and special construction steels as well as tool steels, we offer a compelling range of materials and dimensions. We are contin...
Steel Long Products
Steel Long Products
We offer you a comprehensive range of standard and special profiles from certified producers, with extensive service from individual processing to com...
Blank & Machine Steel
Blank & Machine Steel
Choose from a stock range of approximately 2,000 items in around 25 standard and special grades. Delivery available upon request in the available leng...
Steel Flat Products
Steel Flat Products
Choose from a wide range of hot/cold rolled and surface-treated steel sheets, with comprehensive services from processing to material supply. Hot Rol...
Steel Sleepers & Fastening Systems
Steel Sleepers & Fastening Systems
Safe and durable products, modern soundproofing concepts, and tailored service: These are the components of our offering around the threshold. Rail S...
Non-Ferrous Metals
Non-Ferrous Metals
We offer you a wide range of stock items in aluminum, copper, and brass products with around 2,600 items in approximately 25 qualities. - Aluminum fl...
Steel Pipes
Steel Pipes
Our offering includes seamless, welded & drawn pipes for every requirement, including precise cutting, bending, or laser processing, as well as end & ...

Location and contact

AddressAlbert-Brickwedde-Strasse 5, DE-49084 Osnabrück
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