

Basedower Weg 10, Lütau 21483
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1999
Employees: 20-49
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4 Product and services

Loose Silica Gel and Silica Gel
Loose Silica Gel and Silica Gel
Silica gel is an amorphous silicon dioxide with a gel-like, rubbery to solid consistency. It is colorless and has a large internal surface area (highl...
CertiDry Desiccant Bags according to DIN 55473 / dust-reduced or dust-tight casing
CertiDry Desiccant Bags according to DIN 55473 / dust-reduced or dust-tight casing
DIN desiccant bags according to DIN 55473 are available in various bag sizes and designs (dust-reducing or dust-tight casing). - Dust-reducing (Type ...
SeaDry Container Desiccant and Desiccant Bags
SeaDry Container Desiccant and Desiccant Bags
Desiccants for container goods, for example: - Extremely high moisture absorption - Quick and easy handling - Various formats - Made from calcium chlo...
Master Dry Desiccant Bags for Large Spaces / Desiccant
Master Dry Desiccant Bags for Large Spaces / Desiccant
Master Dry Desiccant / Desiccant Bags - Water absorption up to 60% of its own weight; very high moisture absorption - Protects against moisture durin...

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Location and contact

AddressBasedower Weg 10, DE-21483 Lütau

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