

Rue des Soigneuses, Wignehies 59212
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 1986
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6 Product and services

Vibrating Tables TVNext
Vibrating Tables TV
The TOUTAGGLO Vibrating Tables enable the production of a wide variety of concrete elements using manual molds, including curbs, gutters, screens, pav...
Border Layer Laying Machines Pb1000
Border Layer Laying Machines Pb1000
The PB1000 Edging Machine is user-friendly and offers a daily production of 150 curbs or channels (1 unit per operation / length 1m), or 300 small cur...
Socket Pipe Molds
Socket Pipe Molds
Immediate demolding TY pipe molds allow for the production of regular half-joint pipes with a length of 1m. The immediate demolding TY molds enable t...
Semi-Automatic Layer Tetra Block 1000
Semi-Automatic Layer Tetra Block 1000
The semi-automatic TETRA BLOC 1000 machines allow for the production of products measuring 40cm or 50cm in length, while the TP model additionally ena...
Fixed Press PM60-45Next
Fixed Press PM60-45
The PM60 45 Fixed Press allows for the production of a wide variety of products on wooden panels. Every day, we produce between 300 and 400 panels, or...
Semi-Automatic Tetra Block Line 1000fNext
Semi-Automatic Tetra Block Line 1000f
Production line including a semi-automatic machine of type TB1000, a board storage with a capacity of 5 boards, a motorized conveyor for ejecting the ...

Location and contact

AddressRue des Soigneuses, FR-59212 Wignehies

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