

Zone Industrielle Est, rue Orfila, Arras 62000
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GT Series Portable Gas Detector
GT Series Portable Gas Detector
Designed for the gas industry, the GT Series are multi-application instruments, satisfying all the needs of service technicians within a single unit.
PS200 - PS200 Multigas DetectorNext
PS200 - PS200 Multigas Detector
Easy operation with two buttons Any combinations of LEL/O2/CO/H2S Audible, visual, and vibration alarms Fully certified Internal pump (optional) Data ...
PS200 MultiGas Detector
PS200 MultiGas Detector
The PS200 Series combines quality, ruggedness and advanced technology in a user friendly, portable gas monitor. It is compact, lightweight, water resi...
MX 256 - Gas Detection Control Unit
MX 256 - Gas Detection Control Unit
The MX 256 is a digital controller designed for measuring gases present in the atmosphere and, more generally, for processing any digital signal comin...
MX 256 Control Unit
MX 256 Control Unit
The MX 256 is a digital control unit intended for the detection and measurement of gases present in the atmosphere and more generally for the processi...
MX 16 - Compact Controller - Compact digital or analog controller - one input,
MX 16 - Compact Controller - Compact digital or analog controller - one input,
The MX 16 is a compact digital or analog controller, one input, low-profile controller that continuously monitors gas detection, like: O₂ CO₂ CH₄...
PS200 MultiGas Detector - Portable Gas Detector
PS200 MultiGas Detector - Portable Gas Detector
Simple operation with two buttons Any combination of LIE/O2/CO/H2S Audible, visual, and vibrating alarms Full certification Intern...
MX 16 - digital or analog central unit - digital or analog central unit, 1 channel
MX 16 - digital or analog central unit - digital or analog central unit, 1 channel
The MX 16 is a digital or analog central unit, 1 channel, designed for measuring gases present in the atmosphere such as: O₂ CO₂ CH₄ H₂ LPG Specifica...
FV-40 Flame Detector - Fixed Flame Detectors
FV-40 Flame Detector - Fixed Flame Detectors
Long-range and wide detection angle to reduce the number of required detectors 316L stainless steel or aluminum housing for improved durability Easier...
CXT Wireless Gas Detection Sensors
CXT Wireless Gas Detection Sensors
Self-healing mesh network topology Universally accepted unlicensed 2.4 GHz frequency Low-power gas detection sensors with built-in transceivers Built-...
No central processing unit (CPU) Addressable gas, flame and third party instrumentation Fault tolerant Simple system configuration Flexible system...
First Responder Portable Gas Detection
First Responder Portable Gas Detection
The First Responder is a combustible gas indicator designed for emergency response technicians in the gas industry. The First Responder detects fl...
CXT Wireless Gas Detection Sensors
CXT Wireless Gas Detection Sensors
Self-healing mesh network topology Universally accepted 2.4 GHz non-licensed frequency Low power gas detection sensors with built-in transceivers B...
CTX 300 Detector - CTX 300 Oxygen DetectorNext
CTX 300 Detector - CTX 300 Oxygen Detector
The CTX 300 oxygen detector meets the highest safety standards in case of danger related to the presence of toxic gas or a lack of oxygen. The CTX 30...
MultiFlame FV-40 Series Flame DetectorNext
MultiFlame FV-40 Series Flame Detector
Wide range and broad field of view Long lifespan and durability Fully adjustable mounts Quick response Low maintenance required Easy connection to the...

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AddressZone Industrielle Est, rue Orfila, FR-62000 Arras

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