

Ohmstrasse 4, Langen 63225
Founded: 1997
Employees: 20-49
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About us

25 Product and services

MaxX 150 TG
MaxX 150 TG
MaxX is the practical, safe, and economical way to transport loads made of steel.
Magnetic Lifting Beams for Sheets
Magnetic Lifting Beams for Sheets
Maximum flexibility in handling loads of all kinds...
MAXXI: Beams with permanent magnets for transporting steel loads...
MaxX 300
MaxX 300
MaxX is the practical, safe, and economical way to transport loads made of steel.
MaxX 200
MaxX 200
MaxX is the practical, safe, and economical way to transport loads made of steel.
MaxX 300 TG
MaxX 300 TG
MaxX is the practical, safe, and economical way to transport loads made of steel.
MaxX 125
MaxX 125
MaxX is the practical, safe, and economical way to transport loads made of steel.
MaxX 500
MaxX 500
MaxX is the practical, safe, and economical way to transport loads made of steel.
MaxX 1500
MaxX 1500
MaxX is the practical, safe, and economical way to transport loads made of steel.
MaxX 250
MaxX 250
MaxX is the practical, safe, and economical way to transport loads made of steel.
MillTec Magnetic Clamping Plates
MillTec Magnetic Clamping Plates
The perfect solution for clamping workpieces on machines with vertical and horizontal axes. Particularly suitable for large parts and heavy machining.
Rigid beams with permanent electromagnets for handling sheets...
MillTec Round Magnetic Clamping Plate
MillTec Round Magnetic Clamping Plate
The pioneering clamping system for 5-axis machines...
Quad Extra Magnetic Clamping Plate
Quad Extra Magnetic Clamping Plate
Electro-permanent magnetic clamping plates for milling applications. The further development of the proven square pole technology: QuadExtra...
MillTec ZERO
MillTec ZERO
Modular magnetic system with combined zero-point clamping function for precise repeat positioning of workpieces. This modular magnetic system with pr...

Keywords1 keyword

Company images

Branch in LangenMagnetic systems in Monolite constructionApplication exampleTelescope beamsLoad lifting beamsElectromagnetic traversesMagnetic clamping plate QX HE50Magnetplatte MillTec

Location and contact

AddressOhmstrasse 4, DE-63225 Langen

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