

9 Route de Francières, Estrées-Saint-Denis 60190
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2014
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90 Product and services

Steering Pin MD10 / DC9 - BALL PINS
Steering Pin MD10 / DC9 - BALL PINS
Material: stainless steel Compatibility: Mac Douglas and DC9 All MD10 and DC9 models Can also be used in aerospace, industrial, nautical fields... SK...
Ball Bearing Steering Pin Boeing 737 600-900 / 757 - BALL BEARINGS
Ball Bearing Steering Pin Boeing 737 600-900 / 757 - BALL BEARINGS
Material: stainless steel and aluminum Compatibility: Boeing 737 / 757 B737-600, B737-700, B737-800, B737-900 and B757 Can also be used in aerospace, ...
K-Pax Red/Blue Police Light Stick (Flashing) 38 cm - LIGHT STICKS
K-Pax Red/Blue Police Light Stick (Flashing) 38 cm - LIGHT STICKS
Technology: Weatherproof LEDs Options: Lanyard and belt clip Functions: Flashing (1) Fixed function (2) / 1 button: flashlight at the end of the stick...
Slick Red Day Sticks 30 cm - LIGHT STICKS
Slick Red Day Sticks 30 cm - LIGHT STICKS
Material: red PVC Options: reflective strips / rubber handle Dimensions: 30 cm Weight: 100 g Sold in pairs SKU: 701131 Color: Red Dimensions: 30 cm T...
Orange Traffic Cone 50 cm 1.1 kg CL2 - TRAFFIC CONES
Orange Traffic Cone 50 cm 1.1 kg CL2 - TRAFFIC CONES
Material: flexible PVC Color: orange Reflective stripes: class 2 Height: 500 mm Weight: 1.1 kg Compliance: EN 13422: 2004 + A1: 2009 SKU: 891151 Colo...
Red safety flame tarp 54 cm x 8 cm with aero instructions - BALL PINSNext
Red safety flame tarp 54 cm x 8 cm with aero instructions - BALL PINS
Material: PVC 550 gr Option: stainless steel eyelet Instructions: REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT (on the front) REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT (on the back) Used for safe...
Unbreakable Mirror SPAFAX VM2 205 x 150 mm - SPARE PARTS
Unbreakable Mirror SPAFAX VM2 205 x 150 mm - SPARE PARTS
Lens size: 205 x 150 mm Fits all tubes from 16 mm to 32 mm Universal fit For all vehicles intended for agricultural use, buses, public works, handling...
Black rubber airplane wedge 30 cm 3.9 kg - INDUSTRIAL SHIM
Black rubber airplane wedge 30 cm 3.9 kg - INDUSTRIAL SHIM
Material: 95% recycled rubber / 5% natural rubber Color: black Length: 300 mm Weight: 3.90 kg Working area: 155 mm Height: 130 mm Wedge equipped with ...
K-Pax Green Glow Stick (Fixed) 38 cm - GLOW STICKS
K-Pax Green Glow Stick (Fixed) 38 cm - GLOW STICKS
Technology: Weatherproof LEDs Options: Lanyard and belt clip Functions: 1 button: fixed function / 1 button: flashlight at the end of the stick Dimens...
Pair of yellow expanded polyurethane airplane wedges 45 cm 3.4 kg - INDUSTRIAL SHIM
Pair of yellow expanded polyurethane airplane wedges 45 cm 3.4 kg - INDUSTRIAL SHIM
Material: expanded polyurethane Color: yellow Length: 450 mm Weight: 3.4 kg Working area: 155 mm Height: 130 mm Wedges connected by a polyethylene rop...
IPF Headset for Aircraft Departure – Push/Back – Maintenance (6.35mm Jack Output) - AIRCRAFT DEPARTURE HEADSETS
IPF Headset for Aircraft Departure – Push/Back – Maintenance (6.35mm Jack Output) - AIRCRAFT DEPARTURE HEADSETS
The IPF DEA212 headset is designed for ground and maintenance teams. Its configuration allows for optimal communication in a noisy environment. It has...
Red Safety Flame in Tarpaulin 54 cm x 8 cm - BALL PINS
Red Safety Flame in Tarpaulin 54 cm x 8 cm - BALL PINS
Material: PVC 670 gr Option: stainless steel eyelet Usage for safety pin type Steering Pin by Pass. Custom design and text flocking available. Can als...
Unbreakable Mirror SPAFAX VM100 MK2 380 x 180 mm - SPARE PARTS
Unbreakable Mirror SPAFAX VM100 MK2 380 x 180 mm - SPARE PARTS
Lens size: 380 x 180 mm Fits all tubes from 16 mm to 46 mm Universal Fit For all vehicles intended for agricultural use, buses, public works, handling...
Red Glow Stick 26 cm - GLOW STICKSNext
Red Glow Stick 26 cm - GLOW STICKS
Technology: Weatherproof LEDs Options: Lanyard / belt clip / magnetic base Functions: flashing (1) steady function (2) Dimensions: 26 cm, including 15...
Traffic-Control Red Light Stick 39 cm - LIGHT STICKSNext
Traffic-Control Red Light Stick 39 cm - LIGHT STICKS
{"Options":"Lanyard and belt clip","Type of Stick":"Light stick","Technology":"Weatherproof LEDs","Color":"Red","Dimensions":"39 cm","Functions":"Flas...

Location and contact

Address9 Route de Francières, FR-60190 Estrées-Saint-Denis

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