

Bursa Inegol, Bursa 16400
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 20-49
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About us

5 Product and services

Tuana table - Modern table with coated MDF top and wooden legs
Tuana table - Modern table with coated MDF top and wooden legs
Modern wooden table for your cafe or restaurant...
MAGIC CHAIR - High-quality dining chair with a beech wood frame
MAGIC CHAIR - High-quality dining chair with a beech wood frame
Inspired by modern architecture, our wooden chair complements dining tables, adding a unique touch.
RIVA CHAIR - High-quality dining chair with a beech wood frame
RIVA CHAIR - High-quality dining chair with a beech wood frame
Inspired by modern architecture, our wooden chair complements dining tables, adding a unique touch.
PULUS CHAIR - Beech wood framed, long-lasting armchair
PULUS CHAIR - Beech wood framed, long-lasting armchair
Inspired by modern architecture, our wooden chair adds a unique touch to your cafes and restaurants.
OSLER CHAIR - Armchair with a beech wood frame and molded foam
OSLER CHAIR - Armchair with a beech wood frame and molded foam
Inspired by modern architecture, our wooden chair adds a unique touch to your cafes and restaurants.

Location and contact

AddressBursa Inegol, TR-16400 Bursa

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