IZMIR, Izmir 35030
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About us
Our company was established in 2016. As a female entrepreneur, I have created a company that offers jewelry made from my own designed and crafted Miyuki beads, as well as gold, silver, and steel jewelry. We offer both wholesale and retail sales.

2 Product and services

Miyuki Double-Sided Bracelet - Miyuki Bracelet
Miyuki Double-Sided Bracelet - Miyuki Bracelet
Our products are specially designed with Miyuki beads and are meticulously handcrafted with an elegant design. Our bracelet features an adjustable cl...
Miyuki Frida Kahlo and Zigzag Pattern 2-Piece Bracelet - Miyuki Bracelet
Miyuki Frida Kahlo and Zigzag Pattern 2-Piece Bracelet - Miyuki Bracelet
Our products are meticulously crafted by hand from Miyuki beads, featuring a specially designed, elegant style. Our bracelet has an adjustable lift c...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer
Credit card

Location and contact

AddressIZMIR, TR-35030 Izmir

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