

Rumflether Strasse 13, Wilster 25554
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1973
Employees: 100-199
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About us

9 Product and services

To deliver continuous premium quality, precise controls are essential. Here, the human touch is still the benchmark. That’s why we, for example, insp...
Process Engineering
Process Engineering
We offer over 80 different manufacturing and processing methods. For example: galvanizing, etching, turning, milling, polishing, cleaning, laser engr...
CNC Turning and Milling Technology
CNC Turning and Milling Technology
CNC Turning Shop with Long and Short Spindle Machines Deep Hole Drilling with Cooling Channel Processing of Brass, Silver, Gold, Stainless Steel, Alu...
Hard Gold Coating
Hard Gold Coating
Hard gold plating for electrical and electronic components Wear-resistant hard gold plating for electrical contacts and elements used in power, data,...
Series Production
Series Production
Do you want to produce medium and large series? Combine high standards with cost-effectiveness? Thanks to our serial production processes, the effort ...
Surface Technology
Surface Technology
Precious metal galvanizing Non-precious metal galvanizing KTL coating Etching PVD coatings (via network partners) Niobium coating (via network partner...
Labor Service
Labor Service
Layer thickness measurements using X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) Corrosion test Manual welding test Laboratory galvanization Metallography and tem...
Mechanical Processing
Mechanical Processing
Laser engraving/Laser marking Drag finish polishing Machine polishing Hand polishing Diamond finishing of non-ferrous metals Guilloching Slide g...
Premium Production
Premium Production
SURPRO is one of the leading manufacturers and refiners of premium products and precision parts. We offer you the entire process chain of metal proce...

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Location and contact

AddressRumflether Strasse 13, DE-25554 Wilster

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