

ul.Zamknięta 10, Kraków 30-554
Founded: 2007
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9 Product and services

Floor Drying - Screed Drying
Floor Drying - Screed Drying
Floor drying is usually applied after flooding, but not necessarily. Floor drying is also performed before laying wooden flooring.
Subfloor Drying - Drying of Floor Insulation Layers
Subfloor Drying - Drying of Floor Insulation Layers
We use the subfloor drying method when water seeps under the floor during flooding. Subfloor drying is a complete process, starting from extracting th...
Floor Drying - Screed Drying
Floor Drying - Screed Drying
Floor drying is usually applied after flooding, but not necessarily. Floor drying is also performed before laying wooden flooring.
Drying of technological moisture
Drying of technological moisture
Technological moisture arises during construction, finishing, and renovation work. Removing technological moisture accelerates renovation and finishin...
Comprehensive flood damage removal - comprehensive building drying
Comprehensive flood damage removal - comprehensive building drying
We specialize in comprehensive flood damage restoration. We locate the source of the leak, repair the affected area, and efficiently dry out the build...
Water Leak Location - Professional Water Leak Location
Water Leak Location - Professional Water Leak Location
We offer all methods for leak detection, conduct leak tightness tests using tracer gas, perform thermal imaging inspections, measure moisture levels w...
Building Moisture Measurements - Moisture Measurements
Building Moisture Measurements - Moisture Measurements
We offer various types of professional moisture meters for measuring building humidity. We conduct moisture measurements of walls and floors. We can c...
Roof Drying - Flat Roof Drying
Roof Drying - Flat Roof Drying
Drying of flat roofs is a service very similar to subfloor drying, with the only difference being the type of flooded layers. First, the standing wate...
Building Drying After Flooding - Subfloor Drying
Building Drying After Flooding - Subfloor Drying
We provide comprehensive flood damage restoration services, equipped with the best professional equipment on the market. We are capable of drying all ...

Location and contact

Addressul.Zamknięta 10, PL-30-554 Kraków

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