

Zum Kugelfang 24, Naila 95119
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1999
Employees: 20-49
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About us
Safety through reliable communication! As one of the leading manufacturers in Europe, STS develops, produces, and distributes specialized products for the telecommunications market. We are manufacturers of niche products for specialized applications in the field of telecommunications. These are primarily used in safety technology for railways, cable cars, emergency services, the military, as well as by large industries and private customers.

7 Product and services

Telephone OB 92 - Crank Phone
Telephone OB 92 - Crank Phone
The OB 92 intercom can operate independently of an external power supply (local battery operation / emergency operation). The built-in hand crank gene...
Speakerphone ZB 01 - Central Battery Telephone
Speakerphone ZB 01 - Central Battery Telephone
The ZB 01 telephone is designed to be powered by a 24 VDC power supply - central battery operation. The call signal is triggered by the button. The te...
Wall-mounted Intercom OB 05
Wall-mounted Intercom OB 05
The wall-mounted telephone OB 05 is designed for use in loud spaces and environments. The noise-canceling headset eliminates all background noise. The...
Test Headphones PRG 1A
Test Headphones PRG 1A
- for signal tracking and condition monitoring of analog lines - The test headphones can be switched from 600 Ohms to 10 KOhms. Test headphones PRG 1...
Suitcase Speaker OB 06
Suitcase Speaker OB 06
The OB 06 telephone in the case is designed for use on construction sites and for changing locations. The device can be integrated into an existing OB...
Outdoor Alarm Clock WK 978 / 971 - Additional Bell
Outdoor Alarm Clock WK 978 / 971 - Additional Bell
External alarms are additional electromechanical signaling devices for various purposes in industrial or private settings.
Built-in Speaker ZB 02
Built-in Speaker ZB 02
The telephone ZB 02 is preferably used for table or cabinet installation. The aluminum plate is directly screwed to the table or cabinet. This signifi...

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Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Location and contact

AddressZum Kugelfang 24, DE-95119 Naila

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