

Parscheider Strasse 47, Asbach 53567
Founded: 3
Employees: 5-9
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6 Product and services

Paint Industry
Paint Industry
STOCKSIEFEN cleans: product lines, heat exchangers, air coolers, tank systems, tank cups, and other containers In paint production, plant technology ...
Special Pipe Cleaning & High Pressure Cleaning
Special Pipe Cleaning & High Pressure Cleaning
The cleaning of pipes using pigs is carried out, for example, in wastewater pressure pipelines, drinking water lines, residual material lines, seepage...
Power Plants
Power Plants
STOCKSIEFEN Pipe Cleaning is the ideal and reliable partner for power plant operators! STOCKSIEFEN cleans: heat exchangers, air coolers, tank systems,...
Drying of Pipelines
Drying of Pipelines
Cleaning pigs or pigs of type ST-A-2 are used for cleaning pipelines or for pigging pressure pipelines with soft deposits. Another application for ou...
In the chemical industry, piping systems are heavily stressed by aggressive transported materials. This promotes the formation of deposits and contami...
Sewage Pipe Cleaning
Sewage Pipe Cleaning
In wastewater pipes of all kinds, significant deposits occur that can quickly obstruct the smooth flow of wastewater within the pipes. Our cleaning p...

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Location and contact

AddressParscheider Strasse 47, DE-53567 Asbach

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