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Sakarya 1. OSB 2. Yol No:5 Arifiye / Sakarya, Arifiye 51065
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1981
Employees: 50-99
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10 Product and services

Tubular Pasteurizer - Tubular Pasteurizer
Tubular Pasteurizer - Tubular Pasteurizer
Tubular Pasteurizers are used to heating and cool milk, and food products in order to pasteurize milk and food products.
Pasteurizer - Pasteurizer
Pasteurizer - Pasteurizer
Pasteurizers are automatic systems that systematically heat up and cool down the milk by means of plated heat exchangers for the purpose of increasing...
Iced Water Unit - Iced Water Unit
Iced Water Unit - Iced Water Unit
Iced Water Unit, Ice Bank or Chiller Unit are used to cool milk and food products. The machine has a cooling system and the tank has water inside it, ...
Pasteurisation and Standardisation  - Pasteurisation and Standardisation
Pasteurisation and Standardisation - Pasteurisation and Standardisation
Pasteurisation and Standardisation ...
Yoghurt Filling Machine - Yoghurt Filling Machine
Yoghurt Filling Machine - Yoghurt Filling Machine
This machine is used to fill yoghurt and ayran into small cups. Cups should be 75 mm and 95 mm.
Dry Cooking Machine - Dry Cooking Machine
Dry Cooking Machine - Dry Cooking Machine
Dry Cooking Machines are used to make cheese...
CIP System - CIP System
CIP System - CIP System
CIP System is used to clean all the pipelines, pasteurizers, storage tanks, batch pasteurizers and so on in a dairy plant.
Homogenizer - Homogenizer
Homogenizer - Homogenizer
Homogenizers are designed to lyse the particles in food products (oil and protein particles) to acquire a homogenized end-product. These units are mos...
Vacuum Evaporator - Vacuum Evaporator
Vacuum Evaporator - Vacuum Evaporator
Vacuum evaporators are used to evaporate inside milk. This machine is used to make condensed milk, yoghurt, and high viscosity products.
Stretching Machine - Stretching Machine
Stretching Machine - Stretching Machine
A stretching Machine is used to make mozzarella cheese.

Location and contact

AddressSakarya 1. OSB 2. Yol No:5 Arifiye / Sakarya, TR-51065 Arifiye

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