Muratpaşa, Güzeloba Mh. 2246 Sok, 17/c, Antalya 07230
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 5-9
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About us

2 Product and services

Printed cardboard, hot beverage glass, and special lid.
Printed cardboard, hot beverage glass, and special lid.
We produce paper cups with your desired logo, high quality, leak-proof, made from food-safe materials in various sizes and with a lid suitable for hot...
Printed Straws for Cold Drinks
Printed Straws for Cold Drinks
Printed straws for cold drinks...

Keywords1 keyword

Location and contact

AddressMuratpaşa, Güzeloba Mh. 2246 Sok, 17/c, TR-07230 Antalya
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