

Fritz-Monka-Strasse 6, Bad Arolsen 34454
Founded: 2013
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About us
STEWECON offers solutions for steel construction. Whether it's consulting, planning, or manufacturing - we support you in every phase of your project.

4 Product and services

Anchor Plates
Anchor Plates
Anchor plates and standardized components are used where steel components are to be welded onto reinforced concrete elements after pouring (e.g., stag...
Head Bolt
Head Bolt
Head bolts in composite construction Head bolts are the most effective and economical anchoring solution in reinforced concrete construction. We supp...
Transport Anchor
Transport Anchor
The AN transport anchor has been specifically designed for the safe lifting and transporting of FT sandwich panels. The facing shell is not subjected...
Anchor Bolt
Anchor Bolt
Anchor bolts allow for load transfer into concrete through a screw connection. In conjunction with standardized column shoes, beam shoes, and wall sh...

Location and contact

AddressFritz-Monka-Strasse 6, DE-34454 Bad Arolsen
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