

12 Rue de MalPertuis, Norges-La-Ville 21490
Employees: 5-9
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12 Product and services

Exfoliating and Toning Body Scrub
Exfoliating and Toning Body Scrub
100% natural scrub to gently exfoliate dead skin cells. Suitable for all skin types. 250 g jar The texture of this scrub and its natural scent provi...
Gentle Exfoliating Scrub for Face and Body
Gentle Exfoliating Scrub for Face and Body
Virgin moringa oil, shea butter, and Guérande salt Jar 250g The texture of this scrub and its natural fragrance will enchant you, providing a feelin...
Gentle Exfoliator for Face and Body
Gentle Exfoliator for Face and Body
Virgin moringa oil, shea butter, and Guérande salt Jar 250g The texture of this scrub and its natural fragrance will captivate you, providing a sens...
Smoothing and Toning Body Scrub
Smoothing and Toning Body Scrub
100% natural origin scrub to gently exfoliate dead skin cells. Suitable for all skin types. 250 g jar The texture of this scrub and its natural frag...
 Smoothing and toning body scrub
Smoothing and toning body scrub
100% natural scrub to gently exfoliate dead cells. For all skin types. 250 g jar The texture of this scrub and its natural fragrance will give...
Gentle scrub for face and body
Gentle scrub for face and body
Virgin moringa oil, shea butter, and Guérande salt 250g jar The texture of this scrub and its natural scent will enchant you, providing a sense of c...
Smoothing and Toning Body Scrub
Smoothing and Toning Body Scrub
100% natural scrub to gently exfoliate dead skin cells. Suitable for all skin types. 250 g jar The texture of this scrub and its natural fragrance w...
Gentle Scrub Face and Body
Gentle Scrub Face and Body
Virgin moringa oil, shea butter and Guérande salt 250g jar The texture of this scrub and its natural fragrance will captivate you and give you a...
Soothing and Toning Body Exfoliator
Soothing and Toning Body Exfoliator
100% natural exfoliant to gently exfoliate dead skin cells. Suitable for all skin types. 250 g jar The texture of this exfoliant and its natural fra...
Gentle face and body scrub
Gentle face and body scrub
Virgin moringa oil, shea butter, and Guérande salt 250g jar The texture of this scrub and its natural fragrance will captivate you, providing a sens...
Smoothing and Firming Body Scrub
Smoothing and Firming Body Scrub
100% natural scrub for gentle exfoliation of dead skin cells. Suitable for all skin types. 250 g jar The texture of this scrub and its natural fragr...
Gentle Exfoliating Face and Body
Gentle Exfoliating Face and Body
Native Moringa Oil, Shea Butter, and Guérande Salt 250 g Jar The texture of this scrub and its natural scent will captivate you, providing a sense o...

Location and contact

Address12 Rue de MalPertuis, FR-21490 Norges-La-Ville

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