Krakower Strasse 4a, Kuchelmiß 18292
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4 Product and services

The XBEE Enzyme Fuel Technology acts as a liquid biocatalyst for the enhancement and purification of fossil fuels.
The XBEE Enzyme Fuel Technology acts as a liquid biocatalyst for the enhancement and purification of fossil fuels.
XBEE means: Less water, fewer fungi, and no more bacteria in the fuel. This also results in less buildup and deposits on engine parts. XBEE reduces ma...
The XBEE Enzyme Fuel Technology acts as a liquid biocatalyst for the enhancement and purification of fossil fuels.
The XBEE Enzyme Fuel Technology acts as a liquid biocatalyst for the enhancement and purification of fossil fuels.
XBEE means: Less water, fewer fungi, and no more bacteria in the fuel. Therefore, also fewer deposits and residues on engine parts. XBEE reduces maint...
The XBEE Enzyme Fuel Technology acts as a liquid biocatalyst for the enhancement and purification of fossil fuels.
The XBEE Enzyme Fuel Technology acts as a liquid biocatalyst for the enhancement and purification of fossil fuels.
XBEE means: Less water, fewer fungi, and no more bacteria in the fuel. This also results in less buildup and deposits on engine parts. XBEE reduces ma...
The XBEE Enzyme Fuel Technology acts as a liquid biocatalyst for the enhancement and purification of fossil fuels.
The XBEE Enzyme Fuel Technology acts as a liquid biocatalyst for the enhancement and purification of fossil fuels.
XBEE means: Less water, fewer fungi, and no more bacteria in the fuel. Therefore, also fewer deposits and residues on engine parts. XBEE reduces maint...

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AddressKrakower Strasse 4a, DE-18292 Kuchelmiß
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