

Breitwiesenstraße 28, Stuttgart 70565
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2004
Employees: 1000+
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25 Product and services

FreeScan Trio - First Marker-Free Laser 3D ScannerNext
FreeScan Trio - First Marker-Free Laser 3D Scanner
With its fast and innovative 98-laser-line mode, the FreeScan Trio is SHINING 3D's first marker-free laser 3D scanner. Less preparation, more efficien...
Geomagic design xNext
Geomagic design x
Geomagic Design X, the industry’s most comprehensive reverse engineering software, combines historybased CAD with 3D scan data processing so you can c...
Einscan hd prime packNext
Einscan hd prime pack
Greatly enhances the experience of Handheld HD Scan mode For EinScanPro+ & EinScan Pro 2X PlusAllows makersfree scanning under Handheld HD Scan mode w...
Freescan ue proNext
Freescan ue pro
FreeScan UE Pro Laser Handheld 3D Scanner inherits the highprecision, metrologygrade accuracy, and lightweight design of FreeScan UE, while improving ...
Robotscan e0505 robot automatic 3d scanning systemNext
Robotscan e0505 robot automatic 3d scanning system
SHINING3D’s intelligent robot automatic 3D inspection system, RobotScan, integrates the blue light highaccuracy industrial 3D scanning technology with...
Geomagic ® control x™Next
Geomagic ® control x™
Geomagic ® Control X™ is a comprehensive metrology software platform that delivers the industry’s most powerful tools within straightforward workflows...
Autoscan sparkleNext
Autoscan sparkle
AutoScan Sparkle automatic desktop 3D scanner is designed exclusively for capturing precise and detailed 3D scans of jewelry pieces in seconds. Integr...
Einscan pro 2x 2020Next
Einscan pro 2x 2020
Versatile Scan Modes & Align Modes Scan Modes Handheld Rapid Scan, Handheld HD Scan, Fixed Scan. Align Modes Feature alignment, markers alignment, tur...
A highprecision resin 3D printer that improves prototyping efficiency and shortens the new product development lifecycle.Unparalleled Accuracy Accurat...
The DigiMetric photogrammetric system is a new type of 3D measurement equipment and known as a new generation of optical digital coordinate measuring ...
Einscan hNext
Einscan h
With strengths of technical accumulation on 3D vision technology in more than a decade, SHINING 3D is now introducing its new developed handheld 3D sc...
High accuracy certified through serious accuracy calibration process Faster scanning speed Make high resolution 3D modeling accessible to professional...
Freescan trakNext
Freescan trak
Based on SHINING 3D’s latest technology, the optical tracker is capable of capturing the spatial position of the scanner structure in real time, offer...
Accufab-d1 3d printerNext
Accufab-d1 3d printer
The AccuFabD1 is a desktop DLP 3D printer that can print every detail of complex designs with high precision. Integrated with SHINING 3D’s proprietary...
Freescan ueNext
Freescan ue
As the blue laser handheld 3D scanner of the FreeScan series, FreeScan UE inherits the iconic features of "high accuracy" and "high precision". At the...

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AddressBreitwiesenstraße 28, DE-70565 Stuttgart

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