

Alemannenstrasse 24, Maulburg 79689
Founded: 2008
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About us

5 Product and services

Steel Halls and Hall Extensions
Steel Halls and Hall Extensions
We plan and construct steel halls and hall extensions as individual projects tailored to customer-specific requirements. In doing so, we place partic...
Equipment and Plant Engineering
Equipment and Plant Engineering
Our services include apparatus, machinery, and plant construction, fixture construction, as well as steel construction according to DIN EN 1090-2. Pro...
SGI – move
SGI – move
We can easily handle special and heavy transports with the help of our own specialized fleet or, upon request, with external special vehicles (e.g., h...
Company Relocations and Machine Transport
Company Relocations and Machine Transport
Machine transport and company relocations are among our core competencies. Our range of services in transportation includes everything from the disas...
Order-specific material processing
Order-specific material processing
The high-pressure water jet process can be used to work with almost all materials, ranging from foam to all metallic and non-metallic materials, and e...

Location and contact

AddressAlemannenstrasse 24, DE-79689 Maulburg

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