

25 North Orbital Commercial Park, Napsbury Lane, St Albans AL1 1XB
United Kingdom
Founded: 1989
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About us
We are a major fuel filter and fuel polishing supplier in Europe and worldwide providing only genuine Separ fuel filters to the marine, generator, building services, truck, bus and agricultural markets for over 30 years. As part of the WASP Technologies group, we can also supply fuel polishing systems, sidestream filtration and other products worldwide

1 Product or service

SWK2000/10M with metal bowl - Complete with a metal bowl so ideal for marine use.
SWK2000/10M with metal bowl - Complete with a metal bowl so ideal for marine use.
The industry renowned SWK2000/10 is capable of removing particulate and free water to 10, 30 or 60 micron (with appropriate element). With M22 x 1.5 p...

Location and contact

Address25 North Orbital Commercial Park, Napsbury Lane, GB-AL1 1XB St Albans

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