

Burgstrasse 65, Villingen-Schwenningen 78056
Founded: 1990
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6 Product and services

Soldering - What we don't weld, gets soldered.
Soldering - What we don't weld, gets soldered.
Drive joint, steel - gearbox construction, hard soldering, soldering shafts into joints and gears Manual flame soldering Soldering cycle table with b...
Automatic Welding
Automatic Welding
Sprocket, Steel - Conveyor Technology, Robots - MAG, Bushings and Sprocket Welding Through our own fixture construction, we are able to manufacture o...
Laser Welding
Laser Welding
We work with a state-of-the-art YAG laser. This class of pulsed solid-state lasers is characterized by its ability to perform distortion-free, or at ...
Manual Welding
Manual Welding
Cooling pipe, 1.4301 - Mechanical engineering, TIG, circumferentially welding pipes The variety of this product range requires high craftsmanship and...
Prototype Manufacturing: Frame for Fuel Cells - Automotive
Prototype Manufacturing: Frame for Fuel Cells - Automotive
Support frame for fuel cells, aluminum alloy - automotive industry, TIG welding, welding side panels with the plate Requirements: - The plate must no...
Manual Welding - TIG Welding
Manual Welding - TIG Welding
Valve insert, 1.4301 - Food industry, TIG, contract welding for milling wedges Each item is technologically registered and specified in work plans. T...

Location and contact

AddressBurgstrasse 65, DE-78056 Villingen-Schwenningen
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