

Mussinanstrasse 63, Neumarkt 92318
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 1997
Employees: 20-49
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6 Product and services

Lightweight ChimneysNext
Lightweight Chimneys
Vermiculite Shaft 2-Layer Lightweight Chimney F90 The 2-layer chimney F90 consists of a vermiculite shaft and a stainless steel inner pipe. Propertie...
Free-standing Stainless Steel Chimney 'Viktor'Next
Free-standing Stainless Steel Chimney 'Viktor'
Free-standing stainless steel chimney "Viktor" for heights up to 18 m and diameters from 200 mm to 800 mm Technical Data: Self-supporting stainless s...
Double-walled system chimneysNext
Double-walled system chimneys
Discover our diverse product range! Do you have questions about our products or would you like a non-binding quote? Our continuously trained staff wi...
Steel Chimneys - Industrial and Commercial FacilitiesNext
Steel Chimneys - Industrial and Commercial Facilities
Steel chimneys for heights up to 120 m and diameters up to 5.3 m - according to DIN 4133, the minimum diameter for the flue inner pipe is 200 mm...
Single-Wall Stainless Steel SystemNext
Single-Wall Stainless Steel System
The focus on the use of stainless steel chimneys lies in commercial projects, public buildings, hospitals, swimming pools, daycare centers, and not le...
Sealing Program - HOTSchott Sealing SleeveNext
Sealing Program - HOTSchott Sealing Sleeve
DICHTET DORT SICHER AB, WO ES FÜR ANDERE ZU HEISS WIRD! Dank einer großen Kontaktfläche zum Rohr dichtet die HOTSchott Manschette zuverlässig und sich...

Location and contact

AddressMussinanstrasse 63, DE-92318 Neumarkt

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