

Voßstrasse 20, Berlin 10117
Founded: 1959
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About us
Schoeller Allibert is a green, innovative company. Our mission is to reduce our customers' logistics and packaging costs and optimize their supply chains.

4 Product and services

MAGNUM CLASSIC CE 950 S - 1200 X 800 X 950 MM
MAGNUM CLASSIC CE 950 S - 1200 X 800 X 950 MM
Large Load Carrier Foldable Large Load Carrier Magnum Classic Main Features: • Volume: 620 l • Weight: 57 kg • Load Capacity: 500 kg • Static Stackin...
Folding Container K975 FLC - 1200 X 1000 X 975MM
Folding Container K975 FLC - 1200 X 1000 X 975MM
Foldable Large Load Carrier Magnum Classic Main Features: - Volume: 780 liters - Weight: 64 kg - Load capacity: 500 kg, overload 2.5 t - Loading fla...
Magnum Classic CI 1200 S 1200 x 1000 x 1200 mm
Magnum Classic CI 1200 S 1200 x 1000 x 1200 mm
Large Load Carrier Foldable Large Load Carrier Magnum Classic Main Features: • Volume: 1020 l • Weight: 75 kg • Load Capacity: 500 kg • Static Stacki...
Folding Container K595 FLC 1200 x 1000 x 595mm
Folding Container K595 FLC 1200 x 1000 x 595mm
Foldable Large Load Carrier Magnum Classic Main Features: • Volume: 384l • Weight: 43.5 kg • Load Capacity: 500 kg • Loading flaps on one long and on...

Location and contact

AddressVoßstrasse 20, DE-10117 Berlin
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