Brink 6, Gummersbach 51647
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About us
Since 1994, specialized in metal separators and magnetic separators for production protection against disruptive metal residues.

5 Product and services

All-Metal Separator
All-Metal Separator
All-metal separators for vacuum conveying up to DN 70 This metal separator automatically removes metal residues of all kinds from the product stream,...
Magnetic Separator for Suction Lances and Pipelines
Magnetic Separator for Suction Lances and Pipelines
The foldable schirpMAG® magnetic separator is clamped onto a non-magnetic conveyor line. Without contact with the flow of material, it attracts loose ...
schirpMAG® Magnetic Separator for Pipelines
schirpMAG® Magnetic Separator for Pipelines
Ideal at the mill outlet or at filling stations for big bags...
Grid Magnets
Grid Magnets
Various grid magnets in high-quality neodymium design, also with Easy Clean function. Used thousands of times Where free-flowing bulk materials are p...
Magnetic Separator for Conveyors
Magnetic Separator for Conveyors
The schirpMAG® ÜBM_FB overband magnet system removes magnetic residues from the conveyor stream. The focus was on the easy integration of an extremely...

Location and contact

AddressBrink 6, DE-51647 Gummersbach
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