

via p.carnesecchi 24 firenze, Firenze 50131
Employees: 5-9
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About us

3 Product and services

T COMPACT - Device for Tecar Therapy
T COMPACT - Device for Tecar Therapy
Example of comprehensive design for a portable medical device. We have configured and repositioned all internal electrical and electronic components.
Microgel Frigel Spa - Machine Side Cooling Chiller
Microgel Frigel Spa - Machine Side Cooling Chiller
To reduce the production costs of certain components, we proposed to manufacture three specific parts in rigid polyurethane (shown in black in the ima...
Humastar 300 - structural polyurethane shell redesign
Humastar 300 - structural polyurethane shell redesign
Example of engineering on a design already defined by the client. It involved completely redesigning the entire casing based on a physical sample prin...

Location and contact

Addressvia p.carnesecchi 24 firenze, IT-50131 Firenze

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