Siemensstrasse 3, Neu-Isenburg 63263
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6 Product and services

Dedicated Room Controllers
Dedicated Room Controllers
Room controller with pre-configured control and regulation program, which can be extensively parameterized via network communication and adapted to in...
Saia PCD7.L79xN Compact Room Controller with S-Bus
Saia PCD7.L79xN Compact Room Controller with S-Bus
Heating/Cooling, Integrated Control and Temperature Measurement...
Automation Stations
Automation Stations
Freely programmable measuring, control, and regulation devices Modular series consisting of CPU, I/O, and communication modules of industrial quality...
Saia PCD® Industrial Ethernet Switch
Saia PCD® Industrial Ethernet Switch
Compact industrial-grade switches for DIN rail mounting with 5 or 8 ports.
Saia PCD® Energy Meter
Saia PCD® Energy Meter
Saia PCD® Energy Meter – compact, robust, reliable, and accurate...
Saia PCD7.L6xx combinable room control system with S-Bus and LonWorks®
Saia PCD7.L6xx combinable room control system with S-Bus and LonWorks®
Heating/Cooling, Fan-coil, Air Quality Control, Lighting and Shading...

Location and contact

AddressSiemensstrasse 3, DE-63263 Neu-Isenburg
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