

Obere Tratt 10, Luhe-Wildenau 92706
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14 Product and services

SANA Wardrobe Cabinet 1/2-Door - Type GH2
SANA Wardrobe Cabinet 1/2-Door - Type GH2
Wet Room Locker Cabinets. Storage space on 2 levels for multiple users – ideal for bathrooms and public facilities. Available on feet, plinth, or benc...
SANA Partition System Kindergarten - Type A13 K / A30 K
SANA Partition System Kindergarten - Type A13 K / A30 K
Application Areas: Kindergartens/ Daycare Centers For the specific requirements in the kindergarten sector, the following constructions are available...
SANA Value Lockers
SANA Value Lockers
We offer open storage compartments, wall-mounted versions, or value lockers with built-in benches. Public institutions, outdoor and indoor swimming p...
SANA Partition System Wet Room Premium - Type S30/S36
SANA Partition System Wet Room Premium - Type S30/S36
Application Areas: Schools, sports facilities, public buildings, industrial enterprises, swimming pools, hospitals Solid core meets lightness – this ...
SANA Partition System - Glass Type
SANA Partition System - Glass Type
Elegant, aesthetic, and high-quality - these are the advantages of the SANA glass partitions. The ESG safety glass achieves optimal robustness, and t...
Washbasins and Hairdryer Stations
Washbasins and Hairdryer Stations
Hygienic, water-resistant, and insensitive – these are the characteristics of the washbasins supplied by SANA partition construction. Additional adva...
SANA Partition System Dry Room - Type A30
SANA Partition System Dry Room - Type A30
Areas of Application: Childcare centers, kindergartens, schools, office buildings, public buildings, industrial enterprises The partition type A30 is...
SANA Wardrobes / Benches
SANA Wardrobes / Benches
SANA benches are available as freestanding benches. They can be complemented with the following features: - Single or double-sided design - Safety ho...
SANA Partition System Dry Room Premium - Type HS V
SANA Partition System Dry Room Premium - Type HS V
Application Areas: Office buildings, hotels, gastronomy, administrations, service centers. The solution for high-end requirements in the partition w...
SANA Partition System Wet Room - Type G13
SANA Partition System Wet Room - Type G13
Areas of Application: Wet areas in industrial facilities, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, saunas, and campgrounds. Facilities for children and you...
SANA Wardrobe Cabinet Z-Cabinet - Type GMZ
SANA Wardrobe Cabinet Z-Cabinet - Type GMZ
Minimal space requirement – the use is in full height and offers the possibility to accommodate longer garments. Available on feet, with a bench, or o...
SANA Wardrobe Cabinet Z-Cabinets - Type GHZ
SANA Wardrobe Cabinet Z-Cabinets - Type GHZ
Wet Room Wardrobe Cabinets. The height is fully available to the user – the cabinets also provide space for bags or shoes. Available on feet, with a b...
SANA Wardrobe Cabinet 1-Door - Type S/W
SANA Wardrobe Cabinet 1-Door - Type S/W
An efficient and space-saving separation of work and street clothing is optimally achieved with the black-and-white lockers. The central partition ens...
SANA Wardrobe Cabinet 1-Door - Type GM1
SANA Wardrobe Cabinet 1-Door - Type GM1
Drying room lockers. Versatile and offering maximum storage space for users.

Company images

GarderobenschrankHigh-quality toilet partitionInterior Design SpaCleanroom CabinetChanging roomWaterproof toilet cabinToilet partition with digital printingWC partition with floating appearance

Location and contact

AddressObere Tratt 10, DE-92706 Luhe-Wildenau

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