

Hauptstrasse 8, Bennwil 4431
Founded: 1987
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8 Product and services

SmartLift Mobile (electric)
SmartLift Mobile (electric)
Lifting device and container mixer with a unique price/performance ratio. - GMP compliant - ATEX II 3 G/D - Low maintenance - Mobile or stationary - ...
SmartLift Mobile (hydraulic)
SmartLift Mobile (hydraulic)
Lifting device and container mixer with a unique price/performance ratio. - GMP compliant - ATEX II 3 G/D - Maintenance-free - Mobile or stationary -...
SmartLift Stationary (Electric)
SmartLift Stationary (Electric)
Lifting device and container mixer with a unique price/performance ratio. - GMP compliant - ATEX II 3 G/D - Low maintenance - Mobile or stationary - ...
VaruLift Stationary (Hydraulic)
VaruLift Stationary (Hydraulic)
A tailor-made solution for lifting, tilting, and swiveling. - Variable in the type of load to be attached (e.g., containers, hoppers, screen machines...
SmartLift Mobile (manual)
SmartLift Mobile (manual)
Lifting device and container mixer with a unique price/performance ratio. - GMP compliant - ATEX II 3 G/D - Low maintenance - Mobile or stationary - ...
VaruMill (300)
VaruMill (300)
VaruMill Product Size Reduction for the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Industry. Not a one-size-fits-all solution, but tailored to your specific requirements...
Container Mixer
Container Mixer
We offer barrel mixers from 10 liters to 300 liters in various designs.
SmartLift Mobile (pneumatic)
SmartLift Mobile (pneumatic)
Lifting device and container mixer with a unique price/performance ratio. - GMP compliant - ATEX II 3 G/D - Low maintenance - Mobile or stationary - ...

Location and contact

AddressHauptstrasse 8, CH-4431 Bennwil
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