

Plaza maravillas s/n.Nave 19. Polígono industrial Base 2000, Lorqui 30564
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8 Product and services

Organic Rosemary Essential Oil - Camphor
Organic Rosemary Essential Oil - Camphor
The essential oil of camphor rosemary is obtained through steam distillation of the leaves of Rosmarinus officinalis, an aromatic plant native to the ...
Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil
Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil
Pink grapefruit essential oil is obtained through the cold pressing of the fresh peel of the Citrus paradisi fruit. It is the result of the hybridizat...
Refined Organic Avocado Oil
Refined Organic Avocado Oil
Organic avocado vegetable oil is obtained through the first cold pressing of the pulp of Persea gratissima, followed by refining. The refining process...
Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil
Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil
Organic tea tree essential oil is obtained through steam distillation of the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia. This shrub, native to Australia, is cur...
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil III
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil III
Ylang Ylang essential oil III is obtained through the third steam distillation of the flowers of Cananga odorata, a tree native to Indonesia and South...
Organic Castor Oil
Organic Castor Oil
Organic castor vegetable oil is obtained through the first cold pressing of Ricinus communis seeds. This shrub is native to the tropical areas of the ...
Organic Dog Rosehip Vegetable Oil (Origin Chi)
Organic Dog Rosehip Vegetable Oil (Origin Chi)
Rosehip vegetable oil is obtained through the first cold pressing of the seeds of Rosa canina. Rosehip is a collective term for different types of wi...
Refined Sweet Almond Vegetable Oil
Refined Sweet Almond Vegetable Oil
Sweet almond vegetable oil is obtained through the first cold pressing of Prunus amygdalus dulcis almonds and subsequent refining. This process enhanc...

Location and contact

AddressPlaza maravillas s/n.Nave 19. Polígono industrial Base 2000, ES-30564 Lorqui

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